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  • Schroeder de Castro Lopes, Barbara / Schallnau, Judith
  • Life Sciences Law
  • 978-3-8487-5404-5
  • Nomos
  • 1. Aufl. 2018
  • Monographie/Dissertation
49,00 € EURO
inkl. MwSt.


Reihe: Kooperationswerke Nomos - Dike - LexisNexis

This book provides an overview and practical guidance in life sciences law to readers in Switzerland and worldwide. Focusing on medicinal products and medical devices, it follows the value chain from the bench to the market. The main topics addressed include recent regulatory developments and cross-cutting issues relevant for any phase of a product life cycle, such as intellectual property rights, commercial agreements, dispute resolution, incorporation and fundraising, competition law and data protection.

Written for readers with diverse backgrounds such as in-house and external counsel, scientists, entrepreneurs, technology transfer professionals, engineers, investors and students, the book provides practical advice, case studies, references to further information, a glossary, and numerous graphs and tables to highlight key points.

Though focusing on Swiss law, the book also reflects the international scope of life sciences-related transactions by referencing European Union law and presenting selected topics relevant for operations in the USA and China.

Barbara Schroeder de Castro Lopes is in-house counsel in a large life sciences company. Previously, she worked for the Swiss federal government and judiciary and in a leading Swiss law firm. Judith Schallnau is in-house counsel in a large life sciences company. She worked at the World Intellectual Property Organization, at a leading research centre and as external counsel.